
We aim to become the most comprehensive online resource about Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and have begun by building a collection of materials to further understanding of the man, his philosophy and his legacy, especially in terms of teaching and learning, a field in which his ideas are now more relevant than ever. 


This material falls into these four main sections:

Pestalozzi’s Life and his Key Ideas

Teaching About and in the Spirit of Pestalozzi

Pestalozzi’s Influence and Relevance

Including Current Pestalozzi Organisations

Online Resources

Including links to articles, books, images, presentations and websites

We are very grateful to the Swiss German specialist on Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, Dr. Arthur Brühlmeier ( and whose support has massively enriched our knowledge of Pestalozzi and the materials we are able to offer here.  Dr. Brühlmeier has not only created resources for PestalozziWorld but has also generously allowed us to adapt and/or share his own.  The resources you can find here include material about Pestalozzi aimed at both adults and children, and an extensive range of teaching ideas which apply his theory to teaching and learning ideas relevant today.

Best known for his theory of education, Pestalozzi was also concerned and wrote extensively about: Anthropology and the nature of humankind; The nature and function of the state; Poverty; Religion; and Upbringing and formative education.  Summaries of his thinking in these areas are available here, as well as links to Dr. Brühlmeier’s more detailed presentations of these Fundamental Ideas of Pestalozzi.

Although Pestalozzi often berated himself for his lack of practicality, he took action to address the issues of his day in his country, Switzerland.  He not only set up institutions of education at which he put his theories of education into practice, but also started schools for children unable to hear or speak, for the poor and for girls.  This at a time when the education of all but boys was woefully neglected.

What is more, Pestalozzi fought against the wider social injustices of his day.  For example: Blaming society and the economic problems faced by unmarried mothers for the frequency of infanticide, he called for better laws, supportive of unmarried mothers, to help overcome this issue.  He also called attention to the injustice of the tithe system whereby only farmers had to pay taxes, resulting in the abolition (albeit temporary) of the tithe system in Switzerland.

We hope that this website leads to a wider understanding and appreciation of this kind-hearted visionary, whose every word and deed were informed by love for humankind, the wellbeing of every individual and the principles of democracy.